Things I Learned in the (Cross)Fire

I had my first panic attack of the year on the second day of school – September 10, 2015. It was also my 26th birthday. My classroom descended into chaos. One minute, I was talking about adding fractions and the next, one of my students dropped a pencil and an argument started between him and another child. Before I knew it, I had one child standing on his chair, ready to climb up onto the desk, another child doing handstands with the intent of kicking others in the face, pencils were flying across the room, all other students very quickly riled up. Continue reading “Things I Learned in the (Cross)Fire”

An End, And a Beginning

On Friday, my five year career in the digital world ended. I will be taking on a new challenge: Education. Tomorrow, I begin a Fellowship, taking classes at Hunter College’s School of Education and training to become a Special Education Teacher, Grades 1-6.

Yeah. It’s completely different than being a Digital Media Planner and different than being a Digital Producer – things that, I suppose, are a part of my past life now. But the people I’ve met, the invaluable lessons I’ve learned, the experiences I’ve had that helped to shape me into who I am today, they will stay with me. I think I’ve been going through the quintessential 20-something crisis we all swear we won’t go through. That won’t be me, we think to ourselves. No way.  I know what I’m doing. I swear. And yet, here we are. Here I am.

Continue reading “An End, And a Beginning”